Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Improve a woman's body image and her quality of life

Dr. Miklos & Dr. Moore understand the effects enlarged labia can have on a woman, including: pain, discomfort irritation, poor body image, embarrassment and uncomfortable intercourse. Patients with enlarged labia are usually offered labia reduction surgery also known as labiaplasty. Drs" Miklos & Moore also offer many other procedures to enhance a woman's genital image.

Like hunger and thirst, satisfaction of sexual desire has been a human’s primary motive. Both men and women would like to portray some sort of sexuality and sexual image to each other. In this respect, the two doctors focused on a genital problem faced by women due to increased labia and conducted successful laser labiaplasty in 46 states and 23 countries.

They have also conducted high profile laser vaginal rejuvenation surgeries to gift many women a graceful and new sex life. Patients come to the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of Atlanta to improve their genital image. Realizing ones genital image is part of ones body image, it is easy to understand how many women might feel sexually inhibited if they are not comfortable with appearance of their vagina.The women who have undergone such surgeries are leading extremely intensive and satisfying passionate lives. Thanks, to the doctors who have understood that a sexual passion can never be neglected while building strong relationships.

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