Monday, September 24, 2007

Formaspace - One stop technical furniture shop

I have seen many Chemistry labs in the photos of my science fiction thrillers or in such types of movies. I have seen cages of animals and mad and insane scientists with weird looks and crazy eyes working on captive poor animals with cruel smiles on the faces. I can also imagine the ruthless war mongers testing new nuclear formulae to destroy other nations. I can also smell the smelling mousse with those long tails roaming here and there giving the lab an effect of a haunted house. Drip Drop! Drip Drop! Water is falling from one of the wash basins. The Bunsen Burners have become too old and they have caught rust. There are strange shadows on the lab walls and the air is a bit suffocating smelling that of some chemicals.

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This was the definition and description of my school’s Chemistry Lab. The room appeared so dark, gloomy and mysterious because of lack of bright, easy- to –use and stylish Laboratory Furniture.

I wished if the school authority could have come across the Forma Space Technical Furniture. Our work benches would not have been that blackish if they had Phenolic Resin Tops like the chemical resistant workbenches in the lab furniture offered by Forma Space. Adjustable heights with customized feature are available for your own requirements. Keyboard Pullouts, and Monitor Arms, Cubbies, Cabinets, and File Drawers are also available if you are running a high tech modern and sophisticated computer lab. Time has now come for brighter and lighter and sunnier labs!

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