Saturday, November 01, 2008

Successful Blogging and Money Making

Successful bloggers are not on again off again bloggers. They pick a
posting frequency and they stick to it no matter what. If you’re going to do a new blog post everyday, then make sure you do a new blog post everyday. If you don’t think you can handle that level of posting, then pick a number that you can handle.
It is better to post once per week on a consistent basis than once per day and then nothing for a week after. If you’re new to blogging, I recommend you start with one to three posts per week and work up to a level that you’re comfortable with. You should always work up the post frequency and never work down. If you do have to work down, then do it very slowly. They Are Passionate About Their Topic
If you’re not passionate about the topic you’re blogging about, then you’re going to have a really hard time growing the blog. Blogs attract like-minded people and they will see right through you if you’re just in it for the money.Being passionate about what you blog about makes it easier to keep up with the industry - you
want to find out what is happening in your niche because it’s your passion and not because it may make you money. I started this blog with no intention of making money from it. For the first eight months of the blog’s life, it made zero and its traffic was just a few hundred readers per day. Yet, I updated the blog an average of over two posts per day during that period. You cannot do that unless you are passionate about your topic. They Interact With Their Readers A blog is not a one-way street. In addition to providing information, a blog is a communication tool between the blogger and his readers. Successful bloggers interact with their readers. They
answer reader emails and comments and they ask for feedback.Interacting with your readers build trust and loyalty. It makes you more approachable. My
biggest fear is some readers would place me so high on a pedestal that they are scare to approach me. By keeping my blog on a light note and having fun with my postings, I feel I connect with the readers on a more personal level.They Give Out Lots of Link Love. Successful bloggers don’t hoard their links. They don’t have a problem with linking to a PR0 blog. They put the concerns of their readers ahead of a Google ranking. If another blog has a good story or idea on the topics I cover, I don’t care what their PageRank is, I’m going to link to them.

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