Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Great Way to Save And Spend

Many people know only about the Life insurance policies where the survivors of the policy holder receive the money after the policy holder’s death. But with a return of premium life insurance policy, the policy holder himself can expect to get a full refund of the premiums he had spent over the years after the term of the insurance is over. Just imagine how nice the policy holder would feel in getting back that entire amount he had spent in his lifetime.

premium life insurance policy

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This type of life insurance is also known as cash back insurance policy. The term of each policy can extend up to 15, 20 or 30 years and one can expect to pay uniform premiums throughout the life of the policy.

premium life insurance policy

I think it is a valuable option for those spendthrift people who are sure to spend money if they keep it with themselves. Thus, saving with a life insurance option is really great!

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