Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dubai or Singapore?

The glory of beautiful and stunning looks can be felt in all areas- be it in a woman or in any other aspects of life. Take the example of today’s modern retail chains like Westside and Pantaloons. They organize their retail displays in such a way that the shoppers really have an extra experience apart from their normal shopping experiences. White flooring with a mirror- like appearance, dazzling displays in the counters, well- groomed and polite sales personnel is what we can expect from these retail giants.

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Id there is any need to mention about the shopping malls in Singapore or Dubai? I hope not! Still, what would be your experience when you visit the Gold stores in Dubai? I think you would feel yourselves in a Sultan’s palace. Recently South City Mall has come up in Kolkata, India and it has been discovered as the largest mall in Asia! Needless to mention, the counter displays along with other arrangements are just fabulous and ready to compete with the malls of Singapore.
Don’t you think that in all these custom trade shows artistic counter displays, a high level of passion for art and precision should exist? What are Gilbert Displays for then?

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