Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is your Site contentful.. then get paid online..

One of the most popular online income opportunities is building simple, small, tightly focused specialty topic content websites. These are known as niche content websites, and they often feature just 5-10 pages of articles about a certain topic. Each of those pages though, has a Google AdSense block on it. So when visitors go to the website to read the content, if they click on an advertisement, the website owner earns money. Many website builders create lots of small sites like this, each earning just a few dollars a day. Just few things to look upon :-

1. Updating: Frequent updating of content, at least once every few weeks, and more often, once a week or more.

2. Spelling and grammar: Few or no errors. No page had more than three misspelled words or four grammatical errors. Note: spelling and grammar errors were identified by using Microsoft Word's check feature, and then ruling out words marked as mis-spellings that are either proper names or new words that are simply not in the dictionary.

3. Paragraphs: Primarily brief (1-4 sentences). Few or no long blocks of text.

4. Lists: Both bulleted and numbered form a large part of the text.

5. Sentence length: Mostly brief (10 words or fewer). Medium-length and long sentences are sprinkled throughout the text rather than clumped together.

6. Contextual relevance: Text contains numerous terms related to the keyword, as well as stem variations of the keyword.

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