Monday, December 08, 2008

Fun writting can generate more income

Would you like to make more money from your writing? You can -- just set out to have fun with your writing. "fun" projects always end up making more money for me than projects I start with deliberation and forethought. It’s a noticed phenomenon among many of my writing colleagues too. Try Different Forms of Writing -- Get out of Your Rut Writing is a process of discovery. You often won't know what you think about a subject until you start writing about it. What you write will often surprise you. Try different forms of writing too. You can only discover what you're capable of as a writer through your writing itself. So If you are writing articles, write a book. Or write a video script. The more fun you can make your writing, the more you'll write, and the more opportunities you'll discover through your writing. Try Writing a Book -- You Can Blog It
Many writers want to write a book, but feel that writing a book means a long stretch of time without an income. If you feel that writing a book would be fun, it's a big clue that you should write a book. So try blogging your book. You never know: you may well get a publisher before you've completed your book.
A blog is also easy to monetize, so you can make an income while you write.

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