Thursday, May 08, 2008

Your Headache is no more a Headache!

“Headache”- the term itself signifies its significance and to the inconvenience it causes to the people. People with chronic headaches will probably know the degree to which they suffer. They might have tried many therapies and treatments but did not have any success. For those who have been able to recover, I am sure that they have consulted Dr. Alexander Mauskop, a board certified neurologist at his established Headache Center at New York.

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Dr. Mauskop has been treating migraines and headaches of all types including menstrual migraines and cluster headaches using a combination of different therapies like nerve blocks, acupuncture, nutritional supplements and medications and injections including Botox for migraines. It would really be an honor to get treated by such a doctor who has trained over 150 doctors in the US and across the world in the use of Botox injections for treating migraines and other headaches.

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