Sunday, March 23, 2008

Indirect Income from Blogging

The picture shows some form of gathering. Okay. Okay, looking at the word Yahoo, you might be thinking that it is a corporate party for the Yahoo employees. You are wrong. This is the photo of the world’s largest blogging tradeshow!

Image Hosted by is all about blogging, its new trends, and events organized to uplift blogging. Business catering to the IT sector has come to know the fact that people are increasingly using blogging as a source of income and so they are utilizing this opportunity to earn indirectly from blogging. How? They are participating in trade shows like BlogWorld and New Media Expo and offering their products, which are related to computers and blogging. Some of them include- blog publishing software, Vlogging technology devices, advertisng networks, Broadband services, Wi Fi and what not. Just see, how blogging has triggered off an indirect income opportunity!

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