Thursday, May 03, 2007

Train your cat not to open doors.

Cats choose to do as they please. They really don’t need to take orders from you about how they shouldn’t be opening a door.

Find out what it takes!!If you’ve tried everything possible to protect Your door knobs – right from scraping off the
Varnish on the handles to replacing your Doorknobs with lever handles, then it’s time to Look at some other alternatives to guarantee Protection for your doorknobs.

Cats love to scratch! Therefore training them on not doing so, will be pretty difficult. But not to worry, it comes with practice and time. Undoubtedly your cat is going to have a few favorite places it loves scratching. Cover those with plastic or some other material.

Some other options might be to get a post especially for scratching. This will wear their nails off to a smooth surface which won’t damage your doorknobs.

Try secluding your cat when you’re not around to train it. You could even tempt your cat by adding a toy or a thing they love at the doorknob. That’ll get them jumping to open the knob.

You can even keep your cat a little hungry so that when you’re at the door calling out to him, you can show him his favorite dish and he’ll be sure to come running to open the door!

One other thing to prevent your cat from scratching is to catch him in the act unawares by clapping or shouting. This would scare him away.

Finally some dos and don’ts:
1. Don’t scold your cat. This would have just the opposite effect of what we’re trying to achieve.
2. Reward your cat often. This acts as a great incentive.
3. Make it a habit to teach your cat that opening doors will not get your cat any reward.

Train your cat well and it will soon be the best behaved cat in your neighborhood. After the training, once he has learnt to ask to be let out, reward and praise him.

Get the detailed review about cats using door handles

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