Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify.
Keep a diversified investment portfolio at all times. Spread out your seed money among several online investment programs, and as you start to build some profit, it is also advisable that you diversify your areas of investment; in this way, if one program stops paying, you still have money coming from several other programs, and you cushion yourself from the fluctuations in the markets.

Don’t allow greed to blind you. Withdraw your initial investment as soon as you make a profit.

Re-invest only your profit.

Have appropriate financial tools in place to be able to move and protect your money.

Don’t participate in programs received from unknown people, especially in SPAM e-mail.

Avoid programs that are on free hosting services.

Avoid programs that provide an unrealistic return.

Constantly improve your knowledge. Forums, such as HYIPDiscussion, are a good place to meet serious and experienced HYIP investors from whom you can learn a lot. In fact, the HYIP Discussion forum has been my training ground.

Make it a habit to visit several HYIP forums daily- several times a day if you have the time. - Read everything as you would read the daily newspaper, ask questions, and use the PM function to ask for help and advice from experienced members. Making money online is possible, but as with everything worth pusrsuing in life, you need to educate yourself about it.

If you want to be successful in this field, it's crucial that you stay up-to-date with everything that is going on in the industry, and not only in the programs that you're invested in. Whether it's downtime affecting one of your programs, server upgrade, or the administrators' responsiveness to members' queries. You need to be aware of new trends, and most of all, it's important that you view everything with objectivity. Emotional attachment to any program is a sure way to be on the losing end.

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